
When they told me that Richard can help me prep I felt flattered and lucky at the same time. Everything that I had heard about him and his professionalism is true. I saw it first hand!

His advice and guidance, that I received at every stage of prep were key to my success. Thanks to this we managed to achieve amazing results! I am proud that I had the honor and pleasure to work with Richard as my coach!

Richard Bell

Over de Coach

Eigenaar Bell Coaching. Ik coach zowel nationaal als internationaal cliënten met maar 1 doel: maximaal resultaat, waarbij jij ook alle tools aanleert om dit levenslang vol te houden.

Mijn kracht ligt in het combineren van optimale progressie met intensieve mentale coaching, om jou in elk aspect van je leven te ontwikkelen. Daarnaast verzorg ik zowel nationaal als internationaal opleidingen voor professionals, seminars en clinics.

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